Prior to selecting a funeral home to perform final services for a deceased relative, you’ll want to be certain that you’ve made the right choice. Yes, you’ll be under tight constraints to plan a body disposition following a death in the family. But that doesn’t mean you can merely trust any Palisade, CO funeral home you find in an online or print directory.
As you search for the right death care services provider for you and your family, here’s a look at 3 questions you should ask. The responses you get will help you decide which company to hire.
1. How Long Have You Been in Business?
The length of time a funeral home has been in business is important. You’ll want to know that it has been around for a while – more than a handful of years. A company that has been in existence for decades will, especially if it’s been serving the same region, be easier to research. So while you can’t necessarily trust a company just because it’s been around for a long time, you will more likely than not be better served by such a company than by a new company.
2. What Services Do You Offer?
This is a question you definitely need an answer to. It would be a mistake to believe that all funeral homes are more or less the same or that they all offer the same range of services. Some offer funerals, others offer cremations, some offer both of these body dispositions, some offer both funerals and cremations but don’t allow for cremations with formal services, and so forth. So you’ll want to ask what they offer in order to make the right decision.
3. How Much Do Your Services and Products Cost?
Funeral homes and crematories are required by law to offer you a general price list. This document lists all the services and products offered by the death care service providers as well as the costs for these services and products. The price list to be invaluable as you get on with the business of planning a loved one’s cremation or funeral. Proactive death care services providers will often allow you do download their price lists from off their websites.
When you need a reputable and professional funeral home serving Palisade, CO families, get in touch with us at Brown’s Cremation & Funeral Service. We specialize in helping families to plan final services for their deceased loved ones. Our goal is to help you during your time of need and to treat you the way we’d like to be treated were our circumstances reversed. For the assistance you require, contact us by phone or stop by our office. We personally are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and fulfill your requests. Our professional staff members are available to coordinate and direct a funeral or memorial service, so get in touch and let us know how we can help you in your time of need.
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