
Funeral and Cremation Planning in Fruita, CO

When a loved one dies, there is a brief window of time to lay them to rest. It can be taxing to plan a funeral or memorial service on your own. The volume of coordination can be overwhelming. However, with a good funeral and cremation provider in Fruita, CO at your side, you can rest assured that you will be able to mourn the loss of your loved one without being overly caught up in the logistics of the occasion.

What should I look for when choosing a funeral home?

As soon as the need arises, it’s a good idea to call or visit the funeral homes you are considering to hire. Make sure they are qualified to plan and conduct the funeral and cremation in Fruita, CO that you want for your loved one. As you do your due diligence, be sure to review the following details:

  • Venue: Is the funeral home clean, welcoming, and accommodating? Will it serve as a large enough space to gather everyone? Does it have appropriate facilities that you will need, such as a chapel for services, or a kitchen and dining hall, if you require it?
  • Religious and Cultural Sensitivity: Is the funeral care provider trained and able to conduct a service that can meet the faith and world view needs of your family?
  • Comfort: This one is important. Do you feel comfortable that the funeral director is competent to handle the funeral or memorial service you are requesting? Do they listen carefully as you discuss your needs? Are they willing to help you create the funeral service you have in mind?
  • Prices: You can request to see a printed general price list. Is the total price of the services you wish to hold affordable for you? Do they offer products that will meet your needs?
  • Licensure and Experience: In Colorado, funeral directors are not required to be fully licensed in their professional practice. Be sure to verify they are fully licensed and have the experience to help your family plan and hold the type of funeral or memorial service that matches what you are looking for.
  • Personalization of Services: The finishing touches are what make a funeral really stand out. Every funeral and memorial service has common elements, but without personalization, the service can be sterile and meaningless. It doesn’t serve the family well and does not help grieving survivors to begin healing.

What Makes a good Full-Service funeral home?

Not every funeral home can meet every logistical need that you might require as a part of the funeral service you need for your family. As you evaluate a funeral home, don’t automatically assume they can handle everything in house. There are many times when a funeral home will contract with a third party for the help they need. This isn’t necessarily a problem, just be aware that it could impact price and sometimes quality.

That’s why a full-service company such as Brown's Cremation & Funeral Service can be advantageous. Our funeral directors and support staff can directly provide all
funeral and cremation services in Fruita, CO that we offer to our patrons. With the exception of memorial jewelry, these include:

What are types of services does a full-service funeral home has?

  • Burial: If a casket burial is a part of your funeral needs, our staff can oversee the internment of the deceased after the funeral service is complete.
  • Cremation: In recent years, this service has trended upward in popularity, due to the lower overall cost when compared to traditional funeral service which continues to rise.
  • Cremation with a Service: Families of the deceased often wish to gather in honor of their fallen loved one after a cremation. We can facilitate such a service.
  • Direct Cremation: When families require a lower cost solution, direct cremation can help. The deceased is recovered from their place of death and taken directly to the crematorium for cremation service.
  • Pre-needs: Preplanned funeral services can be arranged and paid for well in advance of death. This thoughtful act is lovingly done by those who wish to reduce the burden on survivors to plan and pay for their own funeral.
  • Funeral Services: We can plan and conduct viewings, funerals, and graveside services, as well as alternative services that may be desired.
  • Memorial Jewelry: Ashes can be fashioned into keepsake jewelry.

Here at Brown's Cremation & Funeral Service, we take great pride in helping the families of our community in their time of need. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standard and seek to compassionately serve those who entrust us with the afterlife care of their loved ones. If you need professional funeral and cremation services in Fruita, CO, we stand ready to help. Our funeral home office is located at 904 N 7th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501. Call us to discuss how we can help. Our phone number is

(970) 255-8888.

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